zaterdag 8 september 2012

The Basic Tools And Steps Involved In Shirt Bedurkken

Many people look for a basic checklist or overview of screen printing which will inform them about the minimal tools and equipment they need as well as the basic steps involved. We can break the process down into simple steps and list the basic tools needed to screen print at home for instance. Remember, this is a very brief overview in the form of lists. This will give you the most basic information needed to start to plan your screen printing endeavors with more ease. However, you are encouraged to learn more about  t shirt bedrukken  by exploring this website.

Artwork - This is the first step in doing any type of screen printing. You must create art that will be suitable for screen printing. It takes time and experience to know what will print well and what will not. Most artwork is created in Illustrator, Corel, or Photoshop. It is best to work with vector art. Artwork with multiple colors will need to be separated. Each color is pulled out from the original image and put on a separate layer so that it may be printed in black by itself. These are known as film separations or color separations. This step will require a computer and a printer as well as inkjet or laser film.

Film Positives - After your artwork is created and/or separated you will need to convert it to all black and produce what are known film positives. This is simply your design in all black on a clear film like overhead transparencies but much more opaque. If your art has more than one color, you will need a film positive for each different color. This is where you print the film separations out onto your clear film. It is this film positive that you will use to make your screen. This step will require a computer and a printer as well as inkjet or laser film.

Screen Making - You will need a screen on which you will make the stencil that the ink will pass through onto your shirt. There are many details to screen making and this may be one of the hardest parts for beginners to learn and do well. Once you have a screen it will need to be degreased before you coat it with emulsion. The emulsion is the light sensitive liquid that will be coated onto the mesh and left to dry. Once it is dry, it is exposed with the film positives in order to make a stencil. This step will require screen making chemicals, a garden hose and an exposure unit or other way to expose your film and screen to UV light.
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